29 February 2008

Posted by Zahid Hussain | File under :

A quick rundown of some stats on the running of my website www.zahidhussain.co.uk - as of today, I'm getting visits from 41 countries around the world which is absolutely amazing.

I have no idea how people from Iran, Japan and Washington State in the U.S. are hearing about my work. I am agog.


28 February 2008

Posted by Zahid Hussain | File under :
I write every day. I don't write from nine till five, simply because I can't - I work full-time and the little time that remains is all I have to offer my muse.

I wanted to share some of my world with you...few writers are willing to open the door and let would-be writers into their abode.

As I've said many times before, before I became a writer I was a reader. I want to see new writers emerge, like a leviathan from the deep, water spraying the air in all directions, passion and enlightenment, horror and discovery in its rippling serpentine flesh, the leviathan's teeth flashing without pity and gouging a mark into the fabric of our...

So, here I am, keyboard keys at fingertips, clackety clack, clackety clack.

This is how the storyscape looks today. I'm in the middle of the synopsisdraft of the next instalment of The Curry Mile. It's obsorbing work. I call it synopsisdraft, because it's both a synopsis and a draft. It's evolving. I'm discovering the layers of the story, identifying gaps, weaknesses. I'm meeting characters. I've established the story's "voice". The draft, currently named "T.S." has a distinctive tone...I've set a deadline for the completion of the draft. It's a challenge, but once I've got the synopsisdraft out of the way, then I'll really be writing!

I'm going to be out till quite late tonight, but I have a daily "numberofwords" target that I have to meet before I hit the sack. The number is very low. It's ONE. That's right. ONE word. The truth is, as soon as I start writing, I usually far exceed the target. It's all about getting the pen to touch the paper, my fingertips to touch the keyboard keys. That's it.

Rampant writing,