27 December 2012

Posted by Zahid Hussain | File under : ,
Image of 'Children' from Wikipedia

Want to test the enduring power of story-telling? Just say "once upon a time..." and witness the effect on a child. Is it social conditioning or genetic? I don't know, but I know we were made for stories. The ability to spin a tale is essential for story-tellers and children can learn how by playing a great little game.

Basic Formation
  1. Nominate a Time-keeper. This person will stay outside the circle.
  2. Form a circle made up of 3 or more children.
  3. One person is chosen as the spark for the story. They begin with the words 'once upon a time...' and continue...
  4. The Time-keeper will cry 'next!' after 60 seconds. Whoever is telling the story must stop and the next person will continue from where they left off.
  5. Keep going till you reach the end of the story. Or until the bell rings!
  • Relax.
  • Listen - yes, listen to the story-teller.
  • Let your mind conjure up images and sensations.
  • Be expressive/use body language.
  • Pause to heighten tension.
  • Use eye-contact.
  • Use logic (in your story-telling).
  • Insert 'telling' details into your story.
  • Practise!
 Spicing Things Up!
  • Leave out a Time-Keeper. A story-teller stops whenever they want, after a second, a minute...go with the flow.
  • Use a story bag filled with random objects. The first story-teller picks out an object and starts telling a story involving the object. After 60 seconds the next person picks another object and incorporates it into the story...
  • A person can be chosen to 'act out' the story being told.
This is a powerful game. I have watched hesitant story-tellers transformed into magical bards after two tries! Why don't you give it a go and see where it takes you?

5 December 2012

Posted by Zahid Hussain | File under : ,

This is a fun game designed to get children playing with words by using their senses.

A wordsmith may be great at telling a story, but fall foul of plot. Others can conjure up unforgettable characters, but their dialogue is limp.  And even many experienced writers often trip up on description.

This exercise is amazingly powerful at their creative juices flowing. And it's simple and easy to do.

The aim of the 'Still Life' game is to paint word-pictures!

What do you need?

  • Pen and paper
  • An object

The Rules of the Game?
  • Select an object
  • Create an air of mystery about the object.
  • Then present it! 
  • Encourage the children to use their senses...

  • Get the children to walk around the object - instruct them to try different angles

Ask them: 
  • What is the object? Can they think of alternative names?
  • What colour is it? Can they think of different ways to describe the colour?
  • What is its shape?
  • How does light act on the object? 
  • Does it resemble another object?

If safe, pass the object round:
  • Is it hard, soft? Heavy, light? 
  • Warm, cold?
  • What kind of texture does it have?

  • Does the object make a sound?
  • Which part of the object does the sound come from?
  • Is it a pure sound? A note?
  • Does the sound resemble any other?
  • How long does it last?

  • Do they think the object has a taste? 
  • Could they describe it?

  • How does the object make them feel?
  • Is it special in any way?
  • Does the object recall a memory?

  • What is the story of the object? How did it get there? Where is it going? Where was it made? By whom?
  • How is it placed? How does the object relate to other objects around it...

  • Get them to read out what they've written

Once they have the hang of the exercise, ask the children to write what they see as:
  • A poem
  • A short story
  • A title
  • A letter
  • A text message
  • An email

Extra tips:
  • Prepare beforehand - I suggest selecting five objects.
    • Five objects could take more than 30 minutes to describe!
  • The more intriguing the object the more involved the childen will get.
  • Children will improve each time the do the exercise - but don't do too many objects!

If your group enjoys this exercise, suggest keeping a notebook handy to take notes. Writers depend on random scribblings to populate their writing. You never know when you might need a descriptive piece of writing.

Have fun!

26 November 2012

Posted by Zahid Hussain | File under : ,

Charity's struggle to share their successes and struggles with donors, friends, staff, and volunteers. Communication is essential to raise funds and resources, link with hard-to-reach communities and to ultimately change society.

How do charities usually tell their story? They start with the the date established and close the narrative with the services they offer and expect us to buy in to their vision. Hmm.

This works wonders when the message is shot from the founder's hip or comes from someone whose life was turned around by the charity. But what if you're not the founder? How do you connect with would-be donors?


Focus on the positive change you brought to one person's life

In future blogs I will provide examples and more steps on how to connect with audiences. Watch this space.