The Curry Mile
So what's next now that I've got the eBook out of the way? Am I going to publish the material I've been working on? Well, I'm taking a leaf out of Joanna Penn's book and decidedly aiming for the Brave New World of Indie publishing, but I'm not going to dump everything I've been working onto a world that already has more than enough stuff to deal with. Plus, I want to ensure whatever I publish is as polished as it can be.
One of my key concerns is the lack of diversity in fiction in the UK; not just in children's fiction (hey, recall the kerfuffle when Children's Laureate Malorie Blackman spoke out), but in English fiction as a whole. I think we need to do more collectively and no, it isn't the industry that must act. I wrote about this in a previous blog where I looked at whether UK publishing reflects diversity. I'd like to address that in my writing to a degree, but at the same time like many writers I don't want to be labelled as an "issues" writer, well, that's how one editor put it. An issues writer. I like stories, I don't really care where they are drawn from and I read almost (almost!) anything. That said, it really is unfair that books do not reflect the world we live in...
I just finished reading The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey. LOL, as I'm writing this, I've got this weird voice saying "fancy a bit o' Yancey?" Well, actually, The 5th Wave isn't too bad at all, so "Two please, thank you very much." Sure, there are flaws with it - there are flaws in any piece of writing from Maupassant to Murakami - but that's human, isn't it? There are plenty of flaws in The Curry Mile (I never said it was perfect; far from, in fact). So, I'm going to order The Infinite Shore.
Anyway, drawing the circle to a close and turning back to the eBook, I wanted to mention a friend of mine who's a Manchester writer, artist and musician, Steve Garside (or The Garside Story as I call him). Well, he did the cover and I think it conveys the essence of the Mile in a few bursts of colour.
It's great when a little says a lot.
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